Sunday, November 19, 2017

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

In case you didn't notice ;)

Banned from Equestria

I had been playing this game and I love it, I remember playing it years ago
You should try it, I already did 2 videos on this!

He estado jugando este juego y lo amo, recuerdo jugar esto hace tiempo
Deberías probarlo, ya hice 2 videos en esto!

Banned from Equestria
You go to sleep and when you wake up, you see trixie telling you that she has put a spell on you that turns you to a pony for three days, you are in equestria the land where friendship is magic, you got three days to enjoy your stay that most you can, what will you do?
Hint:Your browser history
Made by: Pokehidden
What I would do
This part was pretty enraging….  this is getting the mane six, Rainbow Dash shouldn’t deserve my mercy 

(Copy paste because of course, I was late I should had posted this the instant it was uploaded, I also want to tell you guys that I have a youtube channel, for this who are interested, and it is translated to spanish, tenemos un canal que si se traduce al espanol! gracias a los subtítulos de youtube, thanks to youtube subtitles, not just that but if we upload a video of a game in spanish you might want to check the channel for the translations, I know it's a uncomfortable set up but well, that's the best we can do (don't worry, most of our games are in English))

I know we don't have many followers, so this is kind of like talking to nobody but we might get at least a few soon, I am not sure about the subtitles though, they do take time and I enjoy making them but I don't think is worth that much time.... does someone want to lend me hand? I would enjoy making the subtitles but spending hours or days in it doesn't seem fun to me
Here's the link if you want to help:
Si quieren ayudarme a traducir porque igual me esta costando algo de tiempo y al final puede que ni traduzca, entren al link de arriba!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Miku being fucked / Follando a miku

Este no era necesario, ya que no era una animación, pero igual aca esta uwu lo queria hacer
This was not necessary because it wasn't animation, but here it is anyways, I just wanted to do it uwu

ミクと騎乗位してる気分になりたい人向け | PAPINO [pixiv]
Made by/Hecho por: PAPINO / @harukakka31

2 sexy Tsunbeji gifs

Estan bien buenas ewe aca se las dejo
They are pretty good =w= here they are

ルカ姉を後ろから・・・【パラパラ漫画】 | つんべじ [pixiv]

ルカ姉を後ろから・・・【パラパラ漫画】 | つんべじ [pixiv]

Sunday, July 30, 2017


Just added all my videos on the pages, I recommend you to go and take a look :P
Acabo de anadir todos los videos en las paginas, te recomiendo que las chequees :P

Welcome/Bienvenidos :D

Aca pues subiremos los videos, es mejor ya que pornhub y xvideos no son los mejores sitios para ver respuestas y demas y como que aca en blogger tal vez podamos ser mas libres
Si quieren ver nuestros videos, estan aca en el blog o entren a nuestro xvideos o pornhub
No todo saldra en espanol y no todo sera traducido, sera bien bilingue esto

Si tienes hambre pues, ten un poco de bread

In here we will upload videos, is better because pornhub and xvideos are not the best sites to see answers and other things, and in here in blogger I guess we can be more free
If you want to see our videos, they are in here on the blog or go to our xvideos or pornhub
Not everything is going to be in English and not everything is going to be translated, this is going to be pretty bilingual

If you are hungry, take some bread